Meet The Team

BADGERS couldn't function without the dedication of our incredible volunteers. These individuals give their time and energy to create a fantastic club for everyone.

Let's put a face to the name and discover what drives them.

Danny Warren

Chairperson, Lifetime Member and Coach

Danny's passion for running ignited early in life, blossoming during his primary school years. A natural talent, he quickly progressed to represent both his school and county in a variety of cross country and athletics competitions across the nation. This competitive drive continued until he left school in 2002.

A renewed enthusiasm for running was sparked after Danny volunteered at the London 2012 Olympics. Eager to lace up his trainers once more, he joined the BADGERS running club in 2013. His rapid return to peak fitness was evident in his impressive 5-minute reduction in 5k time during his first year with the club.

Danny's athletic abilities extended beyond the running track. In 2013, he represented Jaguar Land Rover at the UK Corporate Games, demonstrating his versatility with a fourth-place finish in the 5k and a silver medal as part of the relay team.

His first full season with the BADGERS in 2014/15 was nothing short of exceptional. A remarkable achievement of five awards at the club's annual awards evening marked the beginning of a string of accolades. Danny has since been bestowed with numerous honours, including BADGER of the Year, Runners BADGER of the year, Most Committed BADGER, Male Road Runner of the Year, and Male Cross Country Runner of the Year.

A pivotal member of the club's success, Danny has been instrumental in securing multiple league titles for the men's team. His consistent scoring prowess contributed to victories in the LRRL and DRXC divisions. Beyond team achievements, Danny has also earned individual recognition within these leagues.

Driven to share his knowledge and passion, Danny completed his Coaching in Running Fitness course in 2018. The same year, he made history by becoming the first club member to win the BADGERS Atherstone 10k. In recognition of his exceptional contributions, Danny was awarded lifetime membership to the club in 2019, a prestigious honour bestowed upon only a select few.

Taking on a leadership role in 2020, Danny became club chair. His guidance was invaluable in steering the club through the challenges of the pandemic and returning it to its former glory while setting a course for future success.

Danny's journey from a promising young athlete to a revered club legend is a testament to his dedication, talent, and unwavering passion for running.

Paul Cooper

Secretary and Run Leader



Clare Carter

Social & Welfare Officer and Coach

After completing her brown belt at kickboxing, Clare decided she wanted to get fitter and saw running as the best solution. She struggled to get very far on her own, so she signed up to the BADGERS Beginners programme back in January 2013. "Since then I haven’t looked back."

She completed the 5K beginner programme and before long she was running 10K races and later half marathons. In 2017 she took the next step and signed up for the Ashby 20, she has since completed it every.  In 2019 Clare completed her biggest ever challenge by running London Marathon for Muscular Dystrophy and raising £3000 in memory of my Auntie Jackie.

As well as developing to become a run-leader and now coach, Clare has also undertaken the role of Social and Welfare Officer for the club. "I love the social side of the club and have helped organise a variety of events including birthday celebrations, football matches, quiz nights, overseas tours, presentation evenings and Christmas do’s amongst others."

Due to her networking abilities, Clare has been honoured to receive the “Chatterbox” award three years running at our end of season awards.

Ann-Marie Currier

Volunteer Coordinator & Welfare Officer

She ran a marathon!

Sarah Reynolds

Membership Secretary


Chris Horton

Publicity & Marketing Officer and Coach

Chris enjoyed running at school but never really discovered the opportunity to take it further and ended up playing cricket, football and darts plus a bit of rugby and hockey, through much of the two decades afterwards. A one-off charity London Marathon effort in 2002 was all the running he did until 2010 when a friend and mentor from his cricket team passed away. Wanting to make good from a bad situation, Chris undertook another London Marathon in 2011 which helped raise over £4,000 for Prostate Action and established a memorial charity cricket match which continues annually to this day.

This set about him wondering how good he might be if he took the sport a bit more seriously and in 2012, an old school friend, Serena Baker, persuaded him to join a new running club that had not long started out locally. That club was Badgers and it wasn’t long before athletics became the sole focus of his sporting attention.

He took on the role of publicity and marketing officer in 2015 after a career change left him with more time on his hands. He subsequently became a run leader and took his coaching qualification also.

Despite being something of a late starter, Chris has continued to improve his running well into his forties, culminating in new personal bests across a range of distances from 5K to marathon in 2022. He has been fortunate enough to win a handful of races in his career too as well as being a regular points scorer in each of the LRRL winning teams from 2018 onwards and his wava rating of 86.14% at Long Eaton parkrun in 2022 remains one of the highest if not the highest in Badgers club history.

Adrian Payne

Website Administrator and Run Leader

After a failed football career in the NDSFL Adrian began running in 2013 to help pass the Territorial Army entry fitness test. Whilst football was never his strong point he always found he was one of the fastest and fittest on the pitch, which helped, in part, to make up for his lack of footballing talent

When training, friends convinced him to enter the Spartan Obstacle Course Race in September 2014 at Cliff Lakes, Kinsbury, his first race experience. It was then in November after an OCR race around the local Merevale Estate that he was lured into joining the BADGERS, by the then Men's Captain, Carl Holyoak after meeting him at the event. Since joining the club Adrian then went on to become the Men’s team Captain for 3 consecutive years and a qualified run leader. 

Adrian has now run events in America and Europe, from 5km to 24 hour Endurance events. His proudest running moment has been winning the Equinox 24-hour race with a team of 7 BADGERS in 2023. They entered the event for fun as a mixed team of Badgers with no expectations and ended up winning the event by 2-laps, covering 31 laps as a team in the 24 hours.  

Adrian's favourite running discipline is trail running, where he has competed in distances of up to 55km with elevation gains of over 3200m. Successfully winning two trail marathons and achieving podium positions in many others. His ultimate running dream was achieved in the summer of 2022 when he competed in the OCC race of the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc event, running from Switzerland to France across the Alps. Whilst taking part in the event was his dream, he wasn't happy with his result, so he is planning to return to the event and better his time in the future.  

Adrian is known in the club for his glass ankles, the winner of 'best legs 2021' and his inability to handle a hangover.   

Janet Crumpton

Merchandise Manager


 Nivette Chester

Founder, Lifetime Member and Coach

Having not run since taking part in the school cross country some 20 years ago Nivette returned to running to improve her general health and fitness. Taking part in her first organised run in 2007, Nivette completed the Race for Life, a 5k charity run in just over 25 minutes.

Bitten by the "Running Bug" Nivette has now completed in excess of ten marathons with a PB of 3:27:52, numerous half marathon, 10 and 5 km events and parkruns. Nivette completed her first Ultra Marathon in December 2012, running 46.2 miles. Nivette has gone onto to complete the inaugural Race to the Stones, a 100km race in June 2013 and the Transalpine Race - crossing four countries in eight days covering 260 km, ascending and descending a massive 15,000 metres. It has been a great couple of years, having reached the dizzy heights of forty-something, Nivette is now considered 'good for age' and her collection of trophies and medals may well need a cabinet!

Wanting to share her passion for running and having supported a number of friends to achieve personal running achievements Nivette decided to complete the Leadership in Running Fitness and set up a recreational running group for the local community. With the support of her husband, son and some loyal friends BADGERS Run England was formed. The group has grown beyond all expectation and is the BADGERS you see today.

Cameron Barnes

Run Leader


Aaron Chetwynd

Run Leader


Mark Cox

Run Leader


David Craig

Run Leader

David started running because his wife signed up for the Birmingham Half Marathon in 2012 for a charity she was working for and he was persuaded to join and support her. David joined BADGERS later that year when he saw them at the Kingsbury 10km and Kingsbury Water parkrun supporting each other.

He has managed to win a few races (doing midweek races is his tip) but his proudest moment was managing a sub 4 at London Marathon in 2014 and his Coventry half marathon personal best of 1.37, pushed most of the way around by Esther and Crumpy. 

David has completed 6 marathons and 2 ultras, the hardest being the race to the King 56 miles, they had to add an extra 2 miles because of a flooding river (just what was needed). He would love to get a little faster and break that sub-20 at parkrun (20.29) or the 42 at 10km (42.36).  But is currently happy to be back and running well again after a poor few years. 

Rob Crow

Run Leader

As a new father, Rob was advised not to smoke around his daughter or wear clothes that he’d smoked in as they were not good for her breathing. Following a visit to the doctor, Rob enrolled on a no-smoking program. He was given patches and advised that a two-stone weight gain was probable when free of cigarettes. Already weighing in at 18-stone, Rob decided to lace up his shoes and go for a run. 150 yards were as far as he could go, but each day he would go further and further. After a couple of months of running Rob entered his first event, the Tamworth Gate Gallop 10km trail race.

Rob had been running with his partner Jo, when she decided that she’d like to have a look at their local running club, BADGERS. She went along and loved it, so as a Christmas present, he bought her the kit and membership. Rob himself didn’t intend to join, as a shift worker and a coach for his son Tom’s football team he didn’t think he would have time to fit it in but somehow, he did. And now he loves it!

 Robs proudest moment is running came at the Chester Marathon. He followed a 16-week plan set by club Coach Karen Thompson to go sub-4. What he saw as the Holy Grail of running for me. Rob trained hard and was rewarded with the amazing time of 3hr 54min.  

 When offering running advice, Rob thinks Bradley Wiggins sums it up best - “Can I keep going at this pace?” if the answer is yes, I’m going too slow. If the answer is no, I’m going too fast. The answer needs to be MAYBE!

Matt Green

Run Leader

After a bad ankle injury playing football in 2003 along with tendonitis in the knee, Matt decided to hang his boots up as he'd had enough of being at the wrong end of miss-timed tackles that could end in a leg break!

Matt decided to set a focus to see if running would help maintain some fitness and completed the London Marathon in 2005 in 4hrs 30mins.  The running bug was caught and the next challenge was to run marathons in all the capital cities in Great Britain and Ireland.  Still running marathons, with a PB of 3:31:55 set in Chester 2018, Matt’s ultimate goal is to duck under the 3:30 barrier!

Matt's love for running was enhanced, like so many others, on the discovery of Park Run and for the first time felt part of a running community.  Matt is a member of the core team at Kingsbury Water Park Run.  It was at Park Run that Matt got to make friends with members of Badgers and it was a no-brainer to finally join in August 2017.  Matt attends as many league races as possible both cross country & road races and it's that special team support and Badger roar that is like no other that spurs you on to achieve things that perhaps felt unachievable.  Matt has seen new PBs in most distances since running with the Badgers and it's down to the quality of training and encouragement that has enabled this to happen.

Matt was delighted to be asked to become a Run Leader and completed the Leadership in Running Fitness (LERF) in the summer of 2019.  There's nothing better than giving some of the knowledge and benefit of experience back to others and see the improvements people make and the positive gains in both physical & mental health as a result.

Sharon Jackson

Run Leader & Ladies Vice-Captain

Sharon's running did not start until she was 42 years old. She had lost a significant amount of weight and had a challenge thrown at her by her sister-in-law, which was to complete Gelt Gladiators 5k obstacle mud challenge.  Sharon had been at the very start of her fitness journey and had only ever run on a treadmill in the gym up to this point, so had to head outside to start training properly. It was also her sister-in-law who introduced her to parkrun which she had never heard of before. 

From parkrun Sharon found out about Badgers. It took her a little while to get her head around joining a club, thinking it wasn't for her, and thinking she wasn't ‘good enough’. After meeting some Badgers though her thinking changed and she hasn’t looked back since joining. The support received is amazing. It makes such a difference. Sharon loves the wholehearted support shown to everyone, by everyone. This is what she loves - if you can support and encourage as you go along, you never know who you are influencing. 

Sharon's proudest running moment, her first Half Marathon at Leicester in October 2015 and finishing in under 2 hours (approx 1:57). Her parents and husband and children were all there at the end - it was such a great feeling to be greeted by them. Also her 1st marathon, finishing in 4:24:24, after hitting 'the wall' at mile 17, this is still an achievement she is very proud of. 

Sharon's current parkrun PB is 23:44, completed a few years ago now, but having struggled with a few different injuries over the following years, this is a time she is aiming to achieve once again and then improve upon. 

Whatever your running goals are - aim for them, you may impress yourself!

Colin Lees

Run Leader


Adam McElhone

Run Leader

Adam took part in various sports growing up but didn't take any seriously until he discovered mountain biking then road cycling. Both of these activities were cut short when severe sciatica saw him undergoing spinal surgery in 2014. After recovery activities were limited as he tried to run whilst out dog walking, anything over 100m would see him struggling for breath and suffering muscle soreness for days after.

In 2017 a family friend and Badger encouraged him to try Beginner Badgers and the 12 weeks soon passed and he took part in his first Parkrun on a hot July morning. The following Tuesday Adam took the plunge and attended Tuesday training after almost turning back in the car park as the nerves hit. After the first session he was fully signed up member.

Initially taking part in further Parkruns league races soon came around and the following year brought another nervous debut in the Swithland 6 but the backing of club mates and the famous "Badger Roar" saw him through and another habit formed. Since then he has competed at distances from five miles to half marathon in the LRRL. Aside from the league and other events Adam was successful in the ballot in 2021 and got one of the two coveted club London Marathon places and proudly wore the black and white vest to take part in his first ever marathon in the capital.

The club has made such a difference to Adam's lifestyle and he is keen to develop other runners, particularly those who doubt their ability. The highlight of the running calendar for him is the beginner's graduation and seeing the difference that the previous 12 weeks have made to people's live and remembering his own first steps in 2017.

Judy Parkes

Run Leader

In January 2014 Judy saw a facebook post from one of our members for the Beginner BADGERS 0-5k Programme.

As a mum of two boys she had spent the last 14 or so years taking them swimming, cricket, football and rugby training - being a general taxi and supporter. As the boys became more independent it has given her more free time and she decided to give the Beginner BADGERS 0-5k Programme a go.

People told her that the hardest part would be getting to the first session. "I am so glad I took that step. I won’t lie, I found every week difficult. I made a commitment to go to every single session of the 12 week course and it was the best decision I ever made. I have made some great friends through BADGERS and this is the longest that I have kept up activity since the school netball team."

Judy was asked to be a Run Leader in 2016 "I was flabbergasted when I was asked if I would train as a Run Leader. I didn’t think I was fast enough or good enough at running up hills but I realised that it's not always about that. I can encourage others starting out and can genuinely say to them on the Beginner BADGERS course that if I can do it, so can you."

In 2020 Judy became Honorary Secretary and has become an integral part of the club.

Lee Talbot

Run Leader

Lee started running many years ago at the age of 11, when he ran for Nuneaton Harriers. After a long hiatus, he began running again in 2009  when he completed the London Marathon. 

Lee joined the Badgers in 2019 and his proudest running achievement was finishing his first 100km event back in 2021. He is now hoping to run his first 100-mile event within the next few years. 

Lil Souter

Run Leader

Lil started running in March 2017 borne of an innate laziness at the time... she had decided to lose weight and get fit following being told that her sister would need a kidney transplant in the following months. She had bought a Fitbit and was out for a walk in an effort to meet that day's step target, when it occurred to her that if she was running, she'd be home and back on the sofa sooner. The next day she put on what can only be described as fashion pumps (they had pink glittery bits on them, because, of course they did) and the rest is recent history.

 In November 2017, a very anxious Lil attended her first parkrun at Kingsbury Water Park. She was quiet, shy, and knew no one at the time, but was in awe of the groups of people all being so incredibly supportive of each other. She has since become the parkrun's original pompom princess; volunteering with gusto and pompoms (which permanently reside in her car boot as so many situations require emergency pompoms). She was honoured to join the core team in early 2020. 

 It was whilst at parkrun that she started toying with the notion of joining a running club, and becoming one of those proper runner, type people. She'd seen a few clubs represented there, but of all of them the BADGERS looked like they were always having the most fun. She takes a while to push outside of her comfort zones and finally took the leap in 2019. She has regularly attended the club training sessions since joining and realised how much more she could develop and grow as a runner with such incredible support and knowledge around her. Her first league event was the Desford 5-mile race, and she was completely hooked. The level of inclusivity and support overwhelmed her, and she's run every league race she can since. She took part in her first cross country season in 2019 too, after a reliable source said they thought she'd enjoy the muddy chaos of it all; they weren't wrong. 

When the opportunity came to represent the club and hopefully build on the work the previous captaincy did to get more ladies running in both the road and cross-country leagues, she jumped at it. 

 She believes that if the girl who persistently "forgot" her P.E. kit can find the joy in running, then anyone can

Carl Savage

Run Leader

Carl was never one for sports at school, he never felt comfy about his appearance and preferred to just blend in. 

In 2017 things started to change back home for Carl, his dad was ill and the illness started to become more apparent. His dementia was taking over and Carl now had to become the parent to his father. This change was a great struggle for him, becoming very stressful at times.

In the summer of 2018, Carl stumbled upon a charity running event called Running Down Dementia, It was a running distance you set yourself, so he wanted to give it a go in order to raise funds to support others in his situation. At the start Carl's confidence was low so he would walk when he saw someone, but the thrill of the run kept him going. After a few months, his confidence had grown substantially and he didn’t care if people saw him, he would keep on running, eventually getting his distance to 10k. Sadly his Achilles tore just before the end of the challenge but he managed to finish the distance at the end of September that year. 

Whilst Carl was recovering from his achilles injury he kept bumping into Badger member, Jo Hardy, who invited Carl to join the club one evening for a run. As much as he wanted to at the time he had to decline due to his ongoing injury and his confidence in feeling like a 'runner' having only run on his own.  After his achilles had healed Jo asked Carl again to come along for a club run, this time taking her up on the offer in January 2019. The warmth he received on his first session was amazing and he kept coming back for more, eventually joining the club as a full member in 2019. 

The club has helped Carl's confidence grow in so many ways, running several marathons and even a 40-mile ultra, distances he never thought possible. He remembers his first race as a Badger being a XC league event, a muddy run across fields, all thanks to Yvonne Faulkner–Grant. From this, he caught the racing bug and has gone on to run in places he had never even thought of visiting. He credits the PBs he has achieved to the Badger roar at the end of the races and the help and support leading up to those moments. 

David Jenkinson

Run Leader & Men's Vice-Captain

Dave started running in 2014 after a friend dared him on the New Year’s Eve that he could not complete a 10K obstacle race. The challenge was set and 4 days later he attempted his first training run. Unfortunately, he found he couldn’t run from one lamppost to the next. So he downloaded a Couch to 5K app and bought a pair of trainers.  

10 weeks later and his first race was completed. There was a real chance that his running career would end as quickly as it began, but somehow it continued. As time went on Dave wanted to run with people, improve his running and vary the routes, so in the November he joined Badgers. 

Joining the Badgers was the crucial step in his running career. His running continues to improve and continues to get PBs even though he is now into his 50s. 

Within the club Dave is famous for bringing cakes made by his daughters to the Cross Country races and for organising 6am social runs. “Although I joined badgers to run with people, I never expected to make so many friends.” 

Jill Miller

Run Leader



Megan Griffiths

Ladies Captain


Liberty Underhill

Ladies Captain